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Powertool Mradical R&M

A luat nastere din pasiunea pentru industrie si din dorinta de a produce tevi indoite 3D si componente mecano sudate de calitate superioara.

Experienta de peste 25 de ani a personalului tehnic si managerial, in domeniul industriei auto, feroviare si de constructii industriale, ne recomanda ca si parteneri de incredere.

What Makes
us Special?

Sucessful Projects


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Who we are

Pentru repere mecano sudate de o complexitate ridicata, avem posibilitatea colaborarii pentru diverse operatii tehnologice, precum forjare la cald, refulare la rece, debitare laser si plasma, vopsire lichida sau pulbere (electrostatica), etc.

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25 Count

Won 50+

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+(40) 757 576 721.

Why Choose Us

Produsele noastre pot fi folosite la fabricarea diverselor tipuri de scaune cu structura metalica (auto, trenuri, stadioane, restaurante, spatii publice etc), mese, rafturi, cadre metalice pentru echipamente si utilaje de casa, gradina, sau industriale. Ca si volume de fabricatie, putem asigura prototipuri, serii mici si medii, de pana la 10-20.000 buc/an in functie de complexitatea reperului.

Latest Technology

The great explorer the truth, the sedmaster builder human happiness one rejects.

Licensed & Insured

Must explain to you how this mistaken idea denouncing seds pleasure and praising.

Ontime Delivery

Denouncing pleasure and pain was born and I will give you our complete and expound.

Profesional Workers

Complete account of the work system, andexpound the actual teachings of the truth.

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We are Professional


How all this mistakens idea of denouncing pleasures and completed account.

We are Trusted

Team Members

Idea denouncing pleasures and praisings pain was born great explorer.

We are Expert


Denouncing pleasures and was born work will give you a complete masters.


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